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Wedding Flowers

花好网     2019-06-13     浏览(160174)

Flowers are the most important and expressive elements of your wedding. Using flowers is the best way to compliment your fiancé and your guests at the wedding party. They form the best complements for your photo sessions and lend beauty, grace and elegance to your wedding celebrations.

Flowers have been used as an essential part of the weddings since the marriage ceremonies were introduced. Initially the brides carried bouquets of herbs and other flowers to ward off the evil spirits. Flowers, especially the orange blossoms were carried by the brides to signify the purity before marriage.

Your choice of flowers for your wedding may indicates how much value you attach to your spouse. The process of selecting the flowers for the bouquet should take into account several basic styles such as cascade, crescent, contemporary, nosegay, hand tied bouquet and arm or presentation style. So you should choose the style that you like most and prepare various lists of what flowers you will require for the wedding ceremony, reception including the table count, size and shapes. The wedding flowers should match the color or fabric swatches and pictures of your own dress and that of your fiancé.

You may also provide the pictures of flowers, bouquets and arrangements to your florists to enable to deliver to you the flowers that you exactly desire. Your dream wedding may have a theme that may require certain specific floral arrangement.

You must also remember that some flowers are not available all the season year round. You should select only those flowers that give the best presentation and are in the prime of the season. Also decide the venue of your wedding, whether it would be outdoors or indoors. Certain flowers do not last long in hot or humid conditions and are extremely sensitive to their surroundings whether in or out doors.

Also think about the color, shape and fragrance of the flowers that you want in your bouquet. It must be noted that if your bouquet contains all the white flowers, you will not get good pictures, because the white flowers do not lend themselves to good photographs.

Be quite clear, realistic and upfront with your florist about your budget. Some flowers are very costly and your budget may run into thousands of dollars or pounds.

It would be advisable to choose similar flowers throughout your wedding ceremony. Selecting a large variety of flowers may prove too costly. You should, therefore, try to balance your budget with your needs. Exotic flowers like orchids, though very beautiful are very costly.

Try to avoid holding your wedding during or close to busy holidays, popular festivals like Christmas or important days like Valentine’s Day, Easter and Mother’s Day. The demand for flowers grows during festival seasons and important days. It may become difficult to procure the right type, quality and quantity of flowers within your budget. You may need to include the following items in your list of flowers for your very special day.

You must also be aware that roses bearing color petals are likely to stain the carpet if stepped on. So you should consider buying white flowers for the carpeted areas in aisle.

You must also make sure to inform your flower supplier the exact venue, date and time of your wedding so as to receive the flowers at the right time.