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What are the details and knowledge of flower shop decoration

花好网     2022-11-14     浏览(93883)

The decoration of a flower shop is a very important part of a flower shop. The meticulous decoration design can not only attract the attention of customers, but also stimulate customers' desire to buy with clever layout. What is the knowledge and attention to the decoration of the flower shop?

Flower shop layout

Reasonably plan the customer's activity route, and a successful layout can maximize the customer's stay in the flower shop. The passage of the flower shop should fully consider the needs of customers, generally not less than 90 cm, otherwise customers will feel inconvenient.

Any store has a so-called "focus space", which is the place that is most likely to attract consumers' attention. Since flower shops are usually small and medium-sized stores (less than 30 square meters), the main focus spaces are no more than the following four places:

1. The front of the channel.
2. The left and right walls of the store entrance.
3. If the aisle in the store is long, the focus will be in the center of the aisle.
4. If the wall is very long, the focal point will be in the center of the wall.

After the core space is established, various promotional methods can be further launched and displayed in the above four places. The methods that can be used to enhance the display effect can be roughly divided into the following six types:

1. The use of color: the color of the wall or floor, and the display stand.
2. Adjustment of light: fill light, distinguish bright areas and light areas of different colors.
3. Sound guidance: such as music, water flow, wind chimes, etc.
4. The production of POP: the production of posters and small cards, the most common ones are flower language or special offers.
5. The use of small props: dolls, decorations, flower pots and vases with special shapes, etc.
6. Lead customers with the fragrance of flowers naturally. As for how to design the details, it depends on the ingenuity of each operator.

Make full use of the three-dimensional space

It is a good way to make full use of the three-dimensional space to increase the limited usable area. Using shelves of various textures and hanging utensils are all ways to fill the three-dimensional space, but the arrangement effect will be a little rigid.

Wall decoration

Fully consider the places in the flower shop that are most likely to attract customers' attention, that is, the front of the passage, the left and right walls of the entrance of the flower shop, the center of the aisle and the center of the wall. Putting flowers in these places can enhance the display effect. The walls of the flower shop should use as few colorful colors as possible, because the colors of flowers in the flower shop are already varied. If the walls also have many colors, it will make customers feel visually tired.

Smart use of glass mirror

The decoration of the flower shop is mainly reflected in the word "flowers and brocade clusters". To achieve this goal, there is only one way, that is to install more glass mirrors with reflective functions, so that the storefront space looks larger, and one flower becomes two flowers, and a bunch of flowers Also turned into two bouquets of flowers.