
Teacher's Day Wishes

花好网     2017-07-06     浏览(32776)
01. You are the cornerstone of a skyscraper, you are the bridge piers that cross the river, and you are the pillar of the motherland's construction. Teacher, happy holidays! You are the engineer of the soul! We will always respect you and love you!
02. You are a kind of fire, igniting the fire of the students' hearts; you are a stone step, bearing my step by step upward climb; you are a candle, burning and self-illuminating others. Everything goes well for you! Development is going well! Great plan!
03. You are like a hardworking gardener, and we are like a small tree you cultivate. We are willing to resist the cold in winter, bring you greenery in spring, cool you in summer, and bring you fruit in autumn! The language of your lecture is as sweet as a ding-dong mountain spring, as cordial as a gurgling stream, and agitated as a rushing river...
04. The lectures you teach are so rich and colorful. Your every word is like a long-dried sapling. We grow into towering trees under your nourishment. Hello! How is your voice now? How are you? Are the children obedient? Are the students working hard? The memories of the campus and your bright smile are always by your side...
05. You work in the present, but you are building the motherland's tomorrow; your teaching is in the classroom, but your achievements are in all directions of the motherland. You gave us a ruler of life, let us measure it every day; you gave us a mirror of exemplary behavior, so that we can learn from everywhere.
06. We admire your knowledge, let us be impressed by your personality, and let us celebrate your holiday together! Teacher, happy holidays! We admire your knowledge, let us be blessed by your character, and let us celebrate your holiday together! Teacher, happy holidays!
07. Your hard work is our motivation, our success is your pride, but we will be proud of you! ! Your name is the most common-teacher; your name is the most resounding-engineer of the human soul.
08. Your classroom realizes my ideal. Today's progress is your yesterday's expectation. Tomorrow's growth carries our common aspirations. Happy holidays, dear teacher! There are countless memories of pride and happiness in your teaching career, but you cherish them in your heart, but just look at the field that is waiting to be explored.
09. Your teaching urges me to work harder and harder, and my blessing accompanies you to work day and night. I am engraved in my heart for your teaching; I am grateful for your care; I am grateful for your help. Thank you, teacher!
10. You dedicate the spring of your life to the fragrant peaches and plums, but you have left yourself with the cleanness of winter, the whiteness of snow, and the purity of ice... I wish you a happy holiday! You, let us learn to be a man in strictness and care Make us grow, send us away in anticipation, and build another bridge in hard work! 11. The "flowers" are similar every year, but every year is different. You've worked hard! ! Thank you for training me!
12. You are a burning red candle, slowly illuminating my sky with life, I want to tell you: "I love you!" You are the fulcrum for us to pry up the earth!
13. You are ordinary, you are special, just wish the ordinary and the special to accompany you! Ordinary + special = happiness, joy! Hi! I really can't explain it in a word.
14. Your sincere teaching is a spring of love, which will flow forever in the riverbed of my heart. Unforgettable mentor's encouragement to me enables students to engage in glorious careers under the sun! I wish you health and nurture more seedlings of the motherland!
15. Work silently, do nothing but hold up the sun of tomorrow, what words do you use to praise your character and mind? Hello, teacher! Facing the podium and backing on the blackboard, in the long river of time, the teacher is you who weaves countless dazzling auras with your hard work, sweat and wisdom for 45 minutes.
16. The good memories remain in the youth campus. The dear teacher is the most beautiful protagonist. Every time, when successful and happy, the person I most hope to share with me is my beloved teacher! I wish all teachers happy and happy! ! !
17. Today has always been my most important holiday every year! Perhaps, not just because my father sacrificed himself in this most glorious post of mankind; more because-I love you! Every year Teacher’s Day is approaching, I don’t know what to offer to you, my teacher...
18. Without you, there would be no me today, thank you, teacher! The brightness and shortness of the shooting star brings us the best wishes and hope, but it crosses the sky and disappears there forever,
19. The teacher really hopes to be able to sit in your class and listen to your foreign language class again! Is there anything the teacher wants us to do for you? If you have any, please say it quickly. Don't be polite. In fact, this is a kind of comfort for us, really!
20. Sowing seeds with words, plowing with colored pens, watering with sweat, and moistening with hard work. This is the noble work of our beloved teacher.
21. The mountains are cheering, the water is singing; the sun is laughing, the grass is dancing: Praise you, be a good example, work hard! I wish you all the best and a good mood every day. Happy Teachers' Day!
22. Teacher, you have lightened my heart with your heart and nurtured my love with love. Only with you, I can feel the warmth of the world...
23. With your teaching along the way, you will not lose your way; with your attention along the way, you will be more confident and brave...Teacher, thank you!
23. Stroke the sincere heartstrings, remember the bitterness of growth, and you will never be able to do without you on the road to success, dear teacher, I wish you happiness forever! ,
24. On this special day, I wish all things come true and have a good mood every day. My friend, my teacher, I wish you a happy holiday!
25. May my blessing be like tea to moisturize your dry throat, like a candle to illuminate your office, like a flower to give you a fragrance!
26. Days rise and fall. Students come and go from class to class. What remains unchanged is your deep love and brilliant smile. Bless you, dear teacher!
27. In the future, whether I become a towering tree or a low shrub, I will bless you with the emerald green of life, my teacher! On the arrival of Teacher’s Day, I wish my dear teacher good health! forever happy!
28. When the first ray of summer light shines into your window today, that is the affectionate blessing from the students: Teacher, happy holiday!
29. Today’s sun rises for you, today’s flowers are blooming, today’s hymns are sung for you, and today’s eagles are flying for you!
30. You are the cornerstone of skyscrapers, you are the bridge piers that cross the river, and you are the pillar of the motherland's construction. Teacher, happy holidays!
31. When your green silk turns white hair, your peaches and plums are all over the world. Dear teacher, it's hard to say to you!