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Women's Day Wishes

花好网     2018-03-19     浏览(177262)
March 8, 2010 is the 100th International Working Women’s Day. Her full name is "United Nations Women’s Rights and International Peace Day". In China, it is also known as "International Women's Day", "March 8th" and "March 8th Women's Day". ".
     China is a country of etiquette. In Chinese traditional culture, etiquette culture has always occupied a very important position. The culture of etiquette is not only reflected in people's daily communication, but also in traditional Chinese festivals, such as the Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, and Qixi Festival. The exchange of etiquette has gradually become a compulsory course for many people. Although Women’s Day on March 8th is not a traditional festival in China’s history, with the continuous integration of Women’s Day and Chinese ritual culture, Women’s Day on March 8th has also begun to bear the stigma of ritual culture.
     As a family member, on this special holiday, you have to give your mother a bouquet of carnations, your wife or girlfriend a bouquet of roses and lilies; as a man, you have to give a gift to your female classmates or female colleagues; and as your boss , Not only to send respect and blessings to their subordinate female employees, but also to send a gift to express gratitude to female customers.
     As the March 8th Women's Day is approaching, Qicaiflower.com will make every effort to create a special theme of the March 8th Women's Day flower festival for you, and pass your blessings to your loved ones and friends. 3.8 Women's Day classic blessings 10 will share with you.

  (1) The world is extremely beautiful because of the birth of women! Although it is just a small greeting, it represents my most true and strongest blessing! Beautiful women, happy March 8th Women's Day!
  (2) The world looks particularly beautiful because of women! My life is full of flavor because of you. Thank you for letting me celebrate Men's Day every day. Today, you can celebrate Women's Day! May you always be young and beautiful!
  (3) If you are happy now, I wish you always happy. If you worry now, just throw it to me. Today is your holiday, no matter what, you have to be happy, and I want you to be happy every day from now on!
  (4) A beautiful woman is a diamond, and a good woman is a treasure house. Thank you for not only allowing me to have beautiful diamonds, but also for allowing me to own the entire treasure trove. Thank you wife and happy March 8th!
  (5) Every day I look up at the night sky and wish every meteor that passes by, wishing my friends happy forever. Tonight, when you look up, you will see a special meteor. I have already made a wish to it: Happy Women's Day!
  (6) You are self-esteem, self-love and self-improvement, knowledgeable and more talented. Today is Women’s Day. May every meteor in the sky shine in the sky for you. May the hardworking, kind, simple and beautiful you be happy and happy forever!
  (7) March is a day when spring is strong, and it is a day for women. The night is beautiful because of you, the sunrise is gorgeous because of you, the world is colorful because of you, and life is more romantic because of you. Happy March 8th!
  (8) "Lifelong waiting" is not a simple and pale oath of a mountain alliance, but countless ordinary days to help each other in the same boat! Today is March 8th, it's your holiday, let's get together!
  (9) A bouquet of delicate flowers, may you always be beautiful and moving, a passionate movie, may you always be like a girl in the spring, a rich candlelight dinner, accompany you to spend your holiday together, I wish you a happy March 8th!
  (10) In my eyes, you are still beautiful, and your smile is still so charming; in my eyes, you are as kind as you, and your heart is always as holy as an angel. In my eyes, you are the coordinates of a happy woman. Happy Women's Day!